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'Having good communication skills is an essential life skill. 1 in 10 children have speech language and communication difficulties.'

The Bercow Report, 2018

For Parents

Evidence shows that early intervention with Speech and Language Therapy is key in helping children reach their full potential. Here at Valley Speech Therapy we are passionate about offering timely intervention that is tailored around your child's needs. At Valley Speech Therapy we believe that children learn best in a familiar environment, we therefore offer appointments in your own home at a time that suits you.



How Can Valley Speech Therapy Help?

Social Skills and Interaction

Difficulty with attention and listening skills, play skills and difficulty interacting with others

Expressive Language

Late talkers, difficulty joining words together and difficulty with their narrative and story telling skills

Receptive Language

Difficulty with their understanding of spoken language, following instructions and answering questions including 'who' 'why' 'when'

Speech Sounds and Fluency

Unclear speech including difficulty saying certain sounds and stammering


Two to three children in every classroom have significant communication difficulties.

Did you know?

Initial telephone consultation

We offer an initial free telephone consultation to discuss any concerns about your child's speech, language and communication and discuss how we can help. This usually lasts around 15 minutes. 

 Initial Assessment 

During the initial assessment we will fully assess your child's' difficulties at a level appropriate to them.We will provide verbal feedback and recommendations to help support your child. This will last between 60-90 minutes.



If your child requires input we will provide individualised therapy. We believe that the best place to see your child is in a familiar environment. All appointments are therefore offered in your own home.

For the best results we recommend that parents / carers are present throughout to enable continued practice of the therapy throughout the week. 



An initial summary report is provided as part of your initial assessment. If further, more in depth reports are required this can be requested. 


£75 per hour


Travel and Expenses

Phone calls are free up to 15 minutes. 


Travel is free for 20 miles each way of BB4. A charge of 45p per mile will be applied for any mileage thereafter

We are available to offer nursery / school appointments and observations as and when when required. We are also able to attend meetings upon request.

£75 per hour

Additional Services

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